

A National Fathers' Resource Center

Fathers for Equal Rights,Fathers For Equal Rights National Resource Center Inc. (FER), with its headquarters in Dallas, Texas, is one of the largest and most active fathers' rights organizations in the United States. FER is non-profit, educational, civil rights organization that is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. FER receives no government grants or funding of any kind. Therefore, FER is primarily dependent upon the annual dues and service fees paid by walk-in and online members for the revenue necessary to meet its operational needs.

While there usually are one or two attorneys on our Board of Directors, FER is not controlled or managed by lawyers. FER is made up of dads, just like you. The website is FER's effort to assist fathers, children, and their families beyond the walk-in offices in Dallas and Fort Worth. Through the Internet we can now share our knowledge and empower fathers around the corner and around the world.

You can now access Fathers for Equal Rights at Facebook by clicking on the link or keep track of us and our events on your phone through text messages by going to our Twitter page.

This new redesign for the Non Profit National Fathers 4 Kids website is beautiful and represents the 3rd  opportunity iComEx has had to provide a new look and feel, design, and level of membership management tools to the national Fathers 4 Kids members across the nation. Thank you for the continued vote of confidence in providing this service to your community at large.

iComEx has clients in states across our nation such as Colorado, Louisiana, Oregon, and many others.